Backgammon Books
Study Backgammon with one of our recommended books.
100 Backgammon Puzzles: A Champion's Guide to Testing Your Skills and Improving Your Game by Paul Lamford
501 Essential Backgammon Problems: 2nd Edition by Bill Robertie
Advanced Backgammon, Volume 1 : Positional Play by Bill Robertie
Advanced Backgammon, Volume 2 : Technical Play by Bill Robertie
Advanced Backgammon: Positional Play (Advanced Backgammon) by Bill Robertie
Amazing Book of Backgammon by John Treamaine
An Introduction to Backgammon: A Step-By-Step Guide by Paul Magriel
Backgammon - 2004 Edition by Renee Magriel Roberts, Paul Magriel, and Renee Magriel
Backgammon (A 'Golden Hands' book) by Walter Brown Gibson
Backgammon (First Book S.) by Don Stern
Backgammon (Know the Game S.) by William Copeland and Guy Titley
Backgammon (Rules of the game) by Suzanne Goldberg and Robert Hamilton
Backgammon (Teach Yourself Books) by Robin A. Clay
Backgammon Book by Jacoby/Crawford
Backgammon Book by Oswald Crawford, John R. Jacoby
Backgammon by Michael Crane
Backgammon by Paul David Magriel Jr. and Renee Magriel
Backgammon by Paul Magriel and line drawings
Backgammon by Renee Magriel Roberts, Paul Magriel, and Renee Magriel
Backgammon by Tim Norfolk
Backgammon for Profit by Joe Dwek
Backgammon for Serious Players by Bill Robertie
Backgammon For Winners, 3rd Edition by Bill Robertie
Backgammon Games and Strategies by Nicolaos Tzannes
Backgammon in 20 minutes, by Harold Thorne
Backgammon master games by Bill Kennedy
Backgammon Now by Maria Coppoletta and Carlos Uberto
Backgammon of Today With The Rules of The Present-Day Game by John Longacre
Backgammon standards;: How to win at backgammon, by William Henry Walling
Backgammon to Win by G mabard & claire booth
Backgammon To Win by Lelia Hattersley
Backgammon! by Djoli Kansil
Backgammon, The Action Game by Ted James Prince Alexis Obolensky
Backgammon, the Cruelest Game: the Art of Winning by Barclay and Bradshaw, Jon Cooke
Backgammon: how to play and win: For beginner and expert, an easy to follow, step-by-step guide, includes rules, tactics, diagrams, glossary by Donald Carter
Backgammon: Its history and practice, (Barry Vail fac-similes) (Barry Vail fac-similes) by George Frederick Pardon
Backgammon: Its theory and practice, with something of its history by George Frederick Pardon
Backgammon: The Action Game by Prince Alexis Obolensky; Ted James
Backgammon: The Modern Game by Terence Reese and Robert Brinig
Backgammon: The Quick Course to Winning Play by Don Stern
Backgammon: The Way to Play and Win by Walter Brown Gibson
Backgammon: Winning Strategies by Robin A. Clay
Backgammon; the action game by Prince Alexis Obolensky and Ted James
Backgammon - The Quick Way To Winning Play by Don Stern
Begin Backgammon (Right Way S.) by J. Du C. Vere Molyneux
Beginner's book of modern backgammon, by Ralph A Bond
Beginning Backgammon by Tim Holland
Beginning Backgammon: Strategy and Tactics for Winning Play by J. du C. Vere Molyneux
Better Backgammon by Tim Holland
Book of Backgammon by James and Jacoby , Mary Zita Oswald
Championship backgammon: Learning through master play by Barclay Cooke
Classic Backgammon Revisited, Second Edition by Jeremy Paul
Complete backgammon,: For expert-average player-beginner, with exact chances and odds scientifically figured, by Walter Littauer Richard
Discovering Backgammon (Discovering) by R. C. Bell
Fell'S Guide to Winning Backgammon by Walter Gibson
Gorens Modern Backgammon Complete by Charles Henry Goren
How Good Are You at Backgammon?: 50 Challenging Situations for You to Rate Your Ability With the Experts by Nicolaos S. Tzannes and Basil Tzannes
How to play backgammon (Little blue book) (Little blue book) by George Henry Fisher
How to Play Backgammon by Arman Ratip
How to Play Backgammon by Susan Perry
How to Play the New Backgammon by Lelia Hattersley
How to win at backgammon by Walter Brown Gibson
Hoyle on Backgammon by Robert Norton
Improve Your Backgammon (Mindsports) by Paul Lamford
Know the Game: Backgammon (Know the Game) by W. H. Copeland
Modern backgammon in a nutshell: (backgammon as a military conflict) by Peter Nicholas Gatsos
New Ideas in Backgammon by Kit Woolsey and Hal Heinrich
Phillip Martyn on backgammon by Phillip Martyn
Play backgammon by L Wilson
Play Backgammon Tonight by Dave Thompson
Starting Out in Backgammon by Paul Lamford
Teach Yourself Backgammon (Teach Yourself General Reference) by Michael Crane
The "New York Times" Book of Backgammon by James Jacoby and Mary Zita Jacoby
The Backgammon Book by Oswald Jacoby and John R. Crawford
The Backgammon Handbook by Enno Heyken and Martin B. Fischer
The Backgammon Pack by Robert G. Allen
The Clermont Book of Backgammon by David Dor-El
The Mathematical Theory Behind Backgammon by Ali Khayat
Win at Backgammon by Millard Hopper
Winning at Backgammon by John Leet
Winning Backgammon by Jeff Ward
Winning Backgammon by Michael S. Lawrence
Winning backgammon;: Problems and answers, by Grosvenor Nicholas