Paddy Power Raises Significant Amount for Prostate Cancer UK
Since its inception, the project has prompted 51,381 men to complete a 30-second risk-check quiz on Prostate Cancer UK's website.

Paddy Power Raises Significant Amount for Prostate Cancer UK
Paddy Power's charity campaign, 'The Big 180,' which is linked to the Paddy Power World Darts Championship, has so far raised £832,000 for Prostate Cancer UK!
The project guaranteed a £1,000 donation for every 180 points achieved during the championship, with the goal of exceeding a £1 million objective before the tournament's completion. The current total standing at 832 with three matches remaining.
When the campaign was announced, PDC Chief Executive Matthew Porter commented:
"When our new sponsors Paddy Power suggested pranking our players two weeks out from the tournament to get the public’s attention, it sounded like a huge risk. Ultimately, it was one we were willing to take if it meant the millions of men who tune into the World Darts Championship, alongside their loved ones, are encouraged to take 30 seconds to check their risk."
Chris Dobey presently leads the Ballon D'art Leaderboard with 43 180s. However, Dobey was eliminated in the quarter-finals on Monday, leaving Luke Humphries, 16-year-old phenom Luke Littler (yes, 16! ), Rob Cross, and Scott Williams as the only players who may now add to the total.
According to Rachael Kane, a Paddy Power spokesman, the present pace predicts an increase in 180s over the previous year, perhaps breaking the championship record of 901 180s.
Indeed, it would not be unreasonable to expect the three remaining matches to generate more than the required 69 180s, albeit a cautious estimate would place the final number near 900 once more.
Since its inception, the project has prompted 51,381 men to complete a 30-second risk-check quiz on Prostate Cancer UK's website.